Mount Ascutney Regional Commission Brownfields Reuse Program
The Mount Ascutney Regional Brownfields Reuse Program (MARBRP) is funded by EPA Assessment and Cleanup grants for both Hazardous and Petroleum contaminants. Property owners or prospective purchasers may take advantage of technical and funding assistance provided by the grant. Generally, properties that are local priorities for redevelopment may receive technical assistance through this program.
MARC hires consultants to complete environmental site assessments on properties in the Region that meet EPA’s eligibility requirements. If the property owner chooses to pursue cleanup of the site, MARC can provide funding for cleanup in the form of a low-interest loan or a grant for non-profits. Generally, properties that are local priorities for redevelopment may receive technical assistance through this program.
MARC hires consultants to complete environmental site assessments on properties in the Region that meet EPA’s eligibility requirements. If the property owner chooses to pursue cleanup of the site, MARC can provide funding for cleanup in the form of a low-interest loan or a grant for non-profits. Generally, properties that are local priorities for redevelopment may receive technical assistance through this program.