Image of the approved Central + Main housing project in Windsor, VT. Source: https://www.homemattershere.org/projects-in-development/
Housing Quicklinks |
About the Housing Program
Ample housing options that are affordable for residents of all income levels are key to economic growth in a community. It also helps to stabilize neighborhoods and provides a critical foundation for individual health, well-being and educational success.
This region is experiencing a housing crisis. Households in the region struggle to afford their homes, while others lack access to safe, supportive housing and housing services. Employers struggle to recruit new employees, who frequently cite a lack of housing in the area as a primary reason for declining a job offer.
MARC is working with partners in the region to identify opportunities for housing growth. This is being accomplished in a few ways:
This region is experiencing a housing crisis. Households in the region struggle to afford their homes, while others lack access to safe, supportive housing and housing services. Employers struggle to recruit new employees, who frequently cite a lack of housing in the area as a primary reason for declining a job offer.
MARC is working with partners in the region to identify opportunities for housing growth. This is being accomplished in a few ways:
- Conducting a housing study that will identify potential development and redevelopment sites well suited for housing in our region;
- Partnering with two other planning commissions to initially create, and now to implement, the Keys to the Valley Initiative which seeks to address the housing crisis in the greater Upper Valley, with an action plan, toolbox of solutions & data, and honest conversations;
- Working with member communities on housing projects to provide technical assistance and expertise as needed; and
- Assisting our member municipalities to modernize their land use bylaws to address housing.
Recent Events
March 27, 2024 - The Windham & Windsor Housing Trust and MARC held a joint meeting on Wednesday, March 27th to discuss housing resources in the region. The meeting was kicked off by opening remarks from Jason Rasmussen, Executive Director of MARC. Christine Eggleton, Housing Navigator for MARC, demonstrated MARC’s new housing suitability tool and story map. Windham & Windsor Housing Trust presented on the Green Mountain Home Repair Program, Vermont Home Improvement Program (VHIP) 2.0, their Homebuyer Education Workshops and Homeshare programs in the area. The meeting was capped off by folks from Rockingham, Brattleboro, and Londonderry talking about real life projects in their communities. Slides from the presentations can be found below and the recording is available on our YouTube channel.
Snapshot of Housing in our Region
The Housing Opportunities Made for Everyone Act
On June 5, 2023, the Housing Opportunities Made for Everyone (HOME) Act was signed into law. The HOME Act modernizes local zoning and land use regulations by allowing higher density development in areas with sewer and water service, which will create more housing opportunities and affordable homes for more Vermonters.
The Act aims to address decades of state and local policies that have contributed to segregation and exclusion in Vermont. This legislation is an important part of a multipronged approach to mitigating the housing crisis, and every Vermont city and town can play a role in bringing about housing solutions, including ending unduly restrictive zoning. (this is verbatim from https://outside.vermont.gov/agency/ACCD/ACCD_Web_Docs/CD/CPR/Resources-and-Rules/DHCD-Planning-Act47-PreliminarySummary-v2.pdf )
MARC staff are working with communities to modernize their land use bylaws and to be consistent with the new provisions of the HOME Act. For more information, see a description of our current work here.
The Act required the hiring of Housing Resource Navigators, which would work with municipalities, local housing organizations, and private developers to identify housing opportunities, match communities with funding resources, and provide project management support. Christine Eggleton has joined MARC in 2023 to serve as the Housing Navigator.
Contact Christine or Jason for more information about MARC’s housing program.
The Act aims to address decades of state and local policies that have contributed to segregation and exclusion in Vermont. This legislation is an important part of a multipronged approach to mitigating the housing crisis, and every Vermont city and town can play a role in bringing about housing solutions, including ending unduly restrictive zoning. (this is verbatim from https://outside.vermont.gov/agency/ACCD/ACCD_Web_Docs/CD/CPR/Resources-and-Rules/DHCD-Planning-Act47-PreliminarySummary-v2.pdf )
MARC staff are working with communities to modernize their land use bylaws and to be consistent with the new provisions of the HOME Act. For more information, see a description of our current work here.
The Act required the hiring of Housing Resource Navigators, which would work with municipalities, local housing organizations, and private developers to identify housing opportunities, match communities with funding resources, and provide project management support. Christine Eggleton has joined MARC in 2023 to serve as the Housing Navigator.
Contact Christine or Jason for more information about MARC’s housing program.
Suitable Housing Site Study
In 2023, MARC hired the SE Group to develop a mapping tool that would identify sites well suited for potential housing development and redevelopment. The intent of this map is to serve two primary purposes. First, to help developers to identify good sites for new housing projects. Second, to help town boards and committees begin to identify specific parcels for housing projects.
The tool considered areas that have existing infrastructure, such as public water and sewer lines and sidewalks, are in proximity to areas with services, and have access to public transportation. It also took into account constraints such as floodways and river corridors, steep slopes or terrain, and conservation lands. The result is a shaded heat map that identifies areas that might have parcels appropriate for housing development. See the Story Map for more detail about the project or go to the Interactive Map to check out the tool.
The tool considered areas that have existing infrastructure, such as public water and sewer lines and sidewalks, are in proximity to areas with services, and have access to public transportation. It also took into account constraints such as floodways and river corridors, steep slopes or terrain, and conservation lands. The result is a shaded heat map that identifies areas that might have parcels appropriate for housing development. See the Story Map for more detail about the project or go to the Interactive Map to check out the tool.
Housing Resources
- *NEW* Town Housing Snapshots
- *NEW* Funding Resources for Housing in VT
- Agency of Commerce and Community Development’s (ACCD) Housing Page
- ACCD’s Vermont Housing Needs Assessment
- Vermont Housing and Conservation Board
- Vermont Housing Data
- Vital Communities
- USDA Rural Development’s Rural Housing Service