GIS Mapping
MARC Mapping Projects
MARC's Online Maps
From January 2016 onward, MARC will be publishing all their online maps in the same place -
West Windsor’s Local Resources and Businesses
A new poster of West Windsor’s local resources and Businesses was completed by MARC with the Ottauquechee Natural Resources Conservation District in December 2012. Posters are available for purchase at the Brownsville General Store with proceeds going to the West Windsor Conservation Fund.
Town Plan and Zoning Maps
Visit each town page on the MARC website to see the current adopted versions and visit the Vermont Open Geodata Portal for current GIS zoning data.
Infrastructure Inventories
GPS/map variety of town infrastructure – culverts, bridges, sewer lines, water lines, sidewalks, roads, etc.
Flooding Studies
MARC recently assisted VTrans to add the Williams Watershed to the Transportation Resilience Planning Tool (TRPT). See the Statewide Highway Flood Vulnerability and Risk Map for areas outside the TRPT.