Land Use Planning
Local Planning Technical Assistance
Staff are available to assist with a variety of land use planning initiatives including, but not limited to:
- Public involvement/outreach;
- Development of municipal plans, build-out analyses and other local planning documents;
- Preparation of non-regulatory municipal plan implementation tools (e.g. Capital Budget and Program, plans to support the municipal plan, advisory commissions, etc.);
- Development of land use regulations (e.g. zoning, subdivision and flood hazard area bylaws, impact fees under 24 V.S.A. Chapter 131, and municipal ordinances under 24 V.S.A. Chapter 59);
- Act 250 and legal requirements for adoption and enforcement of municipal plans, bylaws and ordinances;
- Telephone and written advisory opinions for zoning administrators, zoning boards of adjustment, and planning commissions regarding specific issues under review; and,
- Training for municipal staff and boards