Mount Ascutney Regional Commission
38 Ascutney Park Road
Ascutney, VT 05030
Ascutney, VT 05030
Mount Ascutney Regional Commission (MARC) member towns include Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish, Chester, Ludlow, Reading, Springfield, Weathersfield, West Windsor, and Windsor.
Mount Ascutney Regional Commission advocates for the needs of our member towns and seeks collaborative strategies to address local, regional, and state opportunities and concerns. One of our primary purposes is to provide technical services to town officials and to act as a resource for local governments. We help mediate inter-jurisdictional planning and development issues arising between member communities; facilitate discussion and understanding between local and state entities; and develop plans, policies, strategies, and procedures for addressing issues that are regional in scope. Office ScheduleThe office is usually open Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 PM
The office will be closed on the following holidays:
Latest NewsPlease take the survey today!. Your input will help us make the outdoor recreation grant program work better for you. Once you've taken the survey, please consider sharing it with your friends, family, and communities. The more input we have, the better able we will be to serve Vermonters. Learn more at the Move Forward Together Vermont website.
The Project Information Form is here – MARC-SRDC Priority Project Form. Submissions should be made to either SRDC or MARC by November 3, 2023. The Project Information Forms will be evaluated according to the Scoring & Prioritization Matrix – Regional Priority Project Scoring Matrix – FY23. The top ten projects will be submitted by the region to ACCD. Here was the submitted list for 2022 – 2022 Regional Priority Projects. The Priority Project Process occurs each year at this time. Projects that emerge in between cycles can complete the form and submit for consideration for an amended list, if appropriate. For more information, please contact Bob Flint at [email protected] or 802-885-3061. Past Events